
If you die after your retirement date, your partner and/or children may receive a benefit from the pension fund. Whether or not he or she and/or they do will depend on:

View My pension and for the amount of the partner’s pension and orphan’s pension.

My pension

We will contact your partner and/or children
The municipality in which you live will notify us of your death automatically. We will then contact your partner and/or children. However, we will only be able to do this if we have his or her and/or their most recent details. If you live abroad, always notify APF Pension Fund of any changes via My pension.

Notify changes

Requesting an annual pension overview
If you are a surviving dependant and need an annual pension statement for a tax return, you will automatically receive the annual pension overview within 3 months of the date of death. Contact us if this is not the case.

Contact us