
Pension Fund APF is the pension fund for all (former) employees of AkzoNobel, Nouryon, Nobian or Salt and is responsible for the implementation of the pension scheme, as agreed by the social partners. Pension Fund APF wants to realize a stable pension for all participants.

To be in a position to implement its mission, Pension Fund APF focuses on maintaining a healthy financial position, balanced consideration of interests, achieving the highest investment result possible against acceptable risk levels, the adoption of a cost-efficient and risk-aware approach and organisation, socially responsible implementation and clear communication. These tasks are divided among a number of different bodies.

Mission, vision, strategy

Board of APF Pension Fund
The pension fund is managed by the board, which is also responsible for administering the pension scheme. The pension fund board consists of the following members:

On behalf of the employers On behalf of the employees On behalf of retirees
Bart Kaster (chair) Dick Luijckx (deputy chair) Erna Boogaard
Remko van de Peppel (treasurer) Aldert Boonen
  Donald Schut  

The following committees are in place in the pension fund:

  • Investment committee
    The investment committee advises the board on investment policy, being both general investment policy and more specific matters. The investment committee also issues the asset manager with guidelines on the investment of the monies available and management of the fund’s assets.
  • Communication committee
    This committee prepares communication policy and guides the implementation of policy by the implementing body.
  • Complaints and disputes committee
    This committee handles complaints and disputes as stated in the Complaints and disputes procedure (pdf, Dutch).
  • Pension committee
    This committee is responsible for all matters relating to the outsourcing of the pension administration and any policy issues that arise in relation to the pension scheme. It is also responsible for managing and rendering account on some operational risks.

Accountability body
The accountability body is also part of the organisation of the APF Pension Fund.

Accountability body

Supervisory board
The supervisory board monitors the policy pursued by the board and the general course of events in the pension fund. Amongst other things, the supervisory board ensures that risk management is satisfactory and that the board adopts a balanced approach to its consideration of interests.

The supervisory board also has a number of rights of approval - in relation to the adoption of the annual report, the annual accounts and compensation policy, for example. The supervisory board consists of 3 independent members. They do not have any connections with APF Pension Fund other than their membership of the supervisory board:

  • Frans de Weert (chair)
  • Nery Anderson
  • Karin Bitter

The supervisory board supervises on the basis of a supervisory vision.

Supervisory vision (pdf) (Dutch)

Remuneration policy
We closely monitor the remuneration levels of board members, the accountability body, the supervisory board and the staff of the executive office. And we ensure our outsourcing parties adopt a controlled remuneration structure. You can read more about this in our remuneration policy.

Remuneration policy (pdf)

Administration and execution
The pension fund board is responsible for administering the pension scheme. Operational implementation of the pension administration and asset management has been outsourced to Achmea Pensioenservices and Achmea Investment Management respectively. Strategic property consultancy and portfolio management have been placed with Sweco Capital Consultants and socially responsible investment services with BMO.

The executive office supports the board and coordinates and monitors all of the activities that have been outsourced.