Frequently asked questions

Our list of frequently asked questions follows below. If you can't find the question or answer you are looking for, please contact us.

Pension statement: questions and answers

You receive a pension overview once every year. If you're no longer a participant in our pension plan, we make these statements available once a year on My pension at My archive. After you have left employment, we will send you a pension overview once every 5 years.

No. You will not see the equalised pension on your pension overview. Your former partner’s pension will have been deducted from your pension if the pension fund has notified you that this is the case. You will not see your former partner’s pension on your pension overview (UPO) either.

Yes. The additional pension you have gained as a result of the value transfer will not be specified separately on your pension overview. The value transfer will have been included in your pension overview if you have received a confirmation from us to this effect. If you have not had a confirmation yet, your value transfer request has not been processed yet. Does your value transfer have a transfer date after January 1 of this year? In that case, the value transfer is not included in your UPO for this year.

This could be because you have not informed us of your partner’s name or it has not been processed yet. See the ‘Cohabiting’ heading for more information about how and when to register/deregister your partner with the pension fund. If you are married or are in a registered partnership, the municipality in which you live will notify us of the name of your partner automatically. If you are living abroad and are going to marry, the above will not apply and you will need to register/deregister your partner yourself.

Yes, this is possible. Arrange this by sending us an email or by updating your preferences in My pension, you will find the personal details under your name.

The standard retirement age applied by APF is 68.

Your retirement age and statutory retirement age aren’t the same. You will start to receive AOW benefit as of the date on which you reach your statutory retirement age. What this age is will depend on the date when you were born. Head to to calculate your statutory retirement age.

However, you can choose to receive your pension at the same time as AOW benefit. Doing this will have consequences for your pension benefit. You can find out exactly which consequences these are via our pension planner in ‘My pension’.


Note: the calculation produced by the pension planner only includes the pensions you have accrued via the average salary plan. Any capital you have accrued via the Defined Contribution plan (DC plan) will be disregarded (at this stage). Don’t hesitate to contact our customer service team for more information.

It won’t at the moment. Our goal is to have the new pension scheme in place by 1 January 2026. Nothing will change on your UPO until then.

A lot of changes are in the pipeline because of the new rules
We will keep you as up-to-date as we can via our page about the new rules.

Receive pension

This depends on the arrangements made between the Netherlands and the country to which you will be moving. Contact the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration ( for more information. The website for the Dutch Social Insurance Bank is a good source of information too:

Pension accrual

If you are ill for more than 2 years and you have a disability percentage of more than 35%, you will be declared (partially) incapacitated for work. You will receive a WIA benefit (a benefit under the Work and Income (Capacity for Work) Act (Wet werk en inkomen naar arbeidsvermogen)) from the government. You will continue to accrue pension and the pension fund will pay part of your pension contribution. Read more at Ill or occupationally disabled.

Because you are receiving an AOW benefit (a benefit under the Work and Income (Capacity for Work) Act) from the government, it is not necessary for you to accrue pension over 100% of your salary. The amount on which you do not accrue any pension is called the 'deductible'.

Pension from my work

We have put together an overview of the available information for you. You can find it on this page: Pension Agreement.

No, you will retain any pension that you have accrued with your employer. However, your pension may be adjusted for a number of reasons. For example, because pension entitlements have been cut or because of increases applicable due to supplements. You can choose to leave your pension with your pension fund or to have it transferred to your new pension administrator.

By law, your former partner will be entitled to payment of half of the retirement pension you have accrued if you were previously married or registered as partners. You and your former partner are free to make alternative agreements when you divorce. Read more at Divorce. Your partner is always entitled to (special) partner's pension. Also if you had a cohabitation agreement. Read more at End of cohabition.

If you have just joined AkzoNobel or Nouryon, you will receive layer 1 of Pension 1-2-3 in a paper format. This is an overview of your pension scheme with this pension fund. Pension 1-2-3 can be found on this website too. Information about the pension scheme is available from this website as well. You will receive a Uniform Pension Overview every year too. It shows how much pension you have accrued and the approximate pension value attainable by you. Access your pension overviews for previous pension schemes via

No, it is not possible to voluntarily accrue extra pension under the pension scheme administered by APF Pension Fund.

Yes, it is compulsory for you to participate in the pension scheme.

Your employer will register you. After registering, you will receive information about the pension fund via your employer: layer 1 of Pension 1-2-3. You will also read what else you could do. For example, register the partner with whom you are cohabiting. It will not be necessary for you to register your children.

Pension from the government

How much your state pension is will depend on your family situation. The amount paid to you will vary depending on whether you live alone or with a partner. Read more about the above on

Your partner may be entitled to a surviving dependant's benefit (Anw) from the government. View for more information.

The age on which you start to receive a state pension is different for everyone. Increased life expectancy has prompted an increase in the state retirement age too. View for your particular state retirement date.