Pensioen 1-2-3

The place to learn about your pension!

A new pension scheme

A different pension system means a new pension scheme.

How can we help you?

APF Pension Fund news

Vacancy bestuurslid
Vacancy for board member
APF Pension Fund is looking for an experienced, external board member as of 1 January 2025, nominated by the employee section in the accountability body.
image river
New rules on pension increases and decreases
APF Pension Fund expects to transition to the new pension system on 1 January 2026. To make sure the transition goes smoothly, we have the opportunity to apply adjusted legislative rules.
Images of Bart Kaster and Han Jalink
We are working as a team
Interview with Bart Kaster en Han Jalink, board members of APF Pension Fund.

Funding ratio APF Pension Fund

To know the financial situation of APF Pension Fund, we (also) need the funding ratio. This is how much money the APF Pension Fund has to pay all pension benefits now and in future. The policy funding ratio is the average over 1 year. This helps APF Pension Fund to decide on financial policy.

in the forest

Sustainability information

APF Pension Fund believes it is important to be mindful of the quality of life in the world and wants to make a contribution here by investing in governments and companies that also consider this important. This is one of the points that APF Pension Fund focuses on in terms of sustainability.

How is your pension arranged?

In Pensioen 1-2-3 leest u hoe uw pensioen geregeld is en wat de belangrijkste onderdelen van uw pensioenregeling bij APF Pension Fund zijn.

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